{ Akbarsait NoorMohamed }

Railo 3 Beginner's Guide by Packtpub

Dec 26, 2011
     #books   #learning   #web  
1 minute

Railo 3 Beginner’s Guide by the amazing Railo team members Mark Drew, Gert Franz, Jordan Michaels and Paul Klinkenberg. The book is released by Packput on Dec 16, 2011. As title states, the book guides you about each and every steps you need to know on Railo Server and developing application utilizing it.

The Railo 3 Beginner’s Guide book gets you started with an Introduction to Railo server and other functionalities about the Railo CFML engine. It covers the topics like installation approaches of Railo, a general CFML introduction and on how to manage and administrate the Server.

Railo 3 Beginner’s guide covers on developing an application with Railo from start to finish and gives you an in depth coverage of installing Railo Server on different environments.

Railo 3 Beginner's Guide

The other chapters provide the details to you on the application development, advance CFML/AJAX functionality of Railo server. Rest of teh chapters talks on the resources/mapping, extending/creating a video sharing application using Railo Server.

I am bit late to post about it but I am sure that this book should be a must have for every CFML developer.

disclaimer: I worked on this book as a technical reviewer.