{ Akbarsait NoorMohamed }

A Project Guide to UX Design by Peachpit Press

May 02, 2009
     #books   #learning  
2 minutes

As part of my learning in UX design I finished reading the “A Project Guide to UX Design”, written by Russ Unger and Carolyn Chandler and Published by Peachpit Press. This is one of the first books in UX design category that I read recently. However, the book provided a immense number of ideas on how to create and deliver UX projects, integrating UX designs, adopting best practices.

A Project Guide to UX Design

From starting to end every chapter in the book is well written and covers on various sections like Project Ecosystem, Project type identification, writing project proposal, doing user Research and transition of the project defining to designing and so on.

A chapter on project proposal for Freelancers/consultants covers all the core components of writing a proposal from defining a title to the payment schedule. Acknowledgment/project sign-off and what need to be included in each and every part of the project proposal. The chapters 4 & 5 describe about the setting up project objectives and different project approaches of including the familiar steps to include in every Project Plan. Like, define, design, develop, deploy and extend. Another chapter on Business requirements talks about understanding the current state of the project and how to prioritize requirements based on the objective. It also covers on how to arrange and conduct the meeting effectively.

A chapter on UX design and SEO explains about the ideas of optimizing Flash, Ajax, JavaScript and other scripted contents for search engines. Understanding the meta tags like defining a page title, meta keywords, meta description, “noindex” meta tag, header, cross-linking, Footer links, etc., are clearly defined in this chapter.

This book also gets in length on including the fundamental elements of site maps, creating advanced site maps and task flows for web sites and applications. It also includes a chapter on creating a wireframe for a web application from a basic level by defining different sections on the wireframe and using annotations in wireframes.

Overall this book is carefully designed, extremely practical and valuable guide for recognizing every aspect of UX design and team collaboration and meetings, planning and managing great UX projects.

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