{ Akbarsait NoorMohamed }

Eclipse Plugins for ColdFusion

Mar 29, 2009
     #utilities   #coldfusion  
1 minute

I have been using Eclipse for ColdFusion development both for the personal and at work with the CFEclipse plugin. I’m wondering what other developers in the ColdFusion community are using along with CFEclipse plugin for to perform our routine job easy and more productive. These are the plugins I’m using along with CFEclipse so please share your plugins for ColdFusion development.

  • CFEclipse : The core for the ColdFusion Development with Eclipse.
  • CF 8 Extensions for Eclipse : This includes Interactive environment for debugging with ColdFusion server, RDS Data view, Log Viewer, ColdFusion Ajax and Flex Wizards.
  • Subclipse : Plugin for Subversion version control system.
  • SnipEx Servers : SnipEx servers are really helpful for to have a handy code snippets for development. I’m using the snippets of CFLib.org by Ray Camden and CFSnippets.org by Todd Sharp both these snippet are very useful.
  • Amateras ‐ Plugin for HTML, CSS, XML and JavaScript with code completion, code outline and code validations. Contents assist for HTML and HTML code preview with source and preview tab feature in Eclipse IDE. Amateras also includes wizards for adding JavaScript libraries, HTML and XML files.
  • XmlBuddy ‐ Plugin for validating XML documents and XML Schemas.


todd sharp on 2009-03-29
If you plan on doing any AIR development with JavaScript and HTML you should get the Aptana plugin.

Jim Priest on 2009-03-29
Hadn't heard of Amateras before - thanks for that pointer. For me - I use all those you listed plus Full Screen Eclipse (maximize that real estate!) and I have a RegEx testing plugin...

todd sharp on 2009-03-29
Where can I get that full screen plugin Jim?

Jim Priest on 2009-03-29

Akbarsait on 2009-03-29
@todd sharp Thanks for mentioning Aptana plugin for AIR Development and sure i will give it a try.

Akbarsait on 2009-03-29
@Jim Priest Amateras Plugin is really very useful for HTML, CSS and JS. Thanks for mentioning Full Screen Eclipse and RegEx testing plugin.

Michael Horne on 2009-03-30
I use CFEclipse, Aptana (as it's good for XML), the VSS Plugin (for SourceSafe). I'm ashamed to say, "That's it!" Just gets too slow with more plugins.

Henry Ho on 2009-03-30
The Ext JS guys recommended http://www.spket.com/ as the best JS plugin for Eclipse.

Richard Davies on 2009-03-30
In addition to many of the plugins already mentioned, I also use: * Columns for Eclipse - enables you to select text "vertically" and cut/copy/paste/delete etc. * CF Frameworks Explorer - a great way to see an outline of application components for applications using common frameworks like Mogel-Glue, Mach II, etc. * FusionDebug - an interactive step debugger which runs on Adobe ColdFusion 6.1, 7 and 8 as well as Railo. [not free] * JSEclipse - for JavaScript development * MXUnit - for running MXUnit unit tests * soapUI - for interacting with SOAP web services

(Comments migrated from previous blog engine.)